Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Magic Man is revealed!

That's right!  You heard it here first.
The identity of the mysterious 'Magic Man' from ABC's fantastic new series 'Happy Town' has been revealed.
It's a shocker and one that no one saw coming.
The Magic Man is really.....
wait for it.....
wait for it....

DUN dun dun.....

70's Magician Doug Henning!

The missing people of Haplin have all fallen into Henning's Massive Hair/Mustache combo and become so entangled and lost - that they cannot find their way out.
Their only hope is that Tommy Conroy, Rootbeer, or some other Haplin resident can find a gigantic pair of hair clippers in time to save them all.

Secondary method would be to Dunk Henning in the Stiviletto's 'Thaw Fest' dunk tank and WASH the residents out - however this would take vast amounts of vigorous scalp massaging and gallons of shampoo. 

It should be noted that it may not be entirely possible to actually REACH Henning's scalp with normal sized fingers, and anyone attempting this maneuver should have a rope tied firmly to their waist and the other end tied to a solid object, in order to prevent themselves from being sucked into the hairy abyss themselves.

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