Monday, June 6, 2011

What have I gotten myself into?

Well I've done it now.
Yes I wanted to get back into theater - and I did make that my top priority.
Intermediate Acting was a terrific class.
"The Laramie Project" was a joy and a privilage to be a part of, and
"Cannibal the Musical" was one of the funnest things I've done in a long time.

I also managed to get Dad through his DUI court battles and transferred to the Assisted Living
Facility in Eagle while I was at it.
Yay me! 

But by the end of the semester I was TIRED with a capital T and  for many reasons I decided to
set my schedule so that I was working weeknights at the Computer Lab
and Thurs,Fri and occasional Saturdays for Daylily, LLC.
I knew that we'd be tirelessly working on Idaho's Championship of Comedy during the last part of May and the first part of June so I made the conscious decision while working out my schedule that I would not be able to do any productions during the summer.
This wasn't a huge loss - as I had no desire to do the Shakespeare run at OTAS or be in "Chicago" at the University.

The only production I was interested in was "What the Butler Saw" at Westside Players - but I knew that with my schedule there was no way I could do the show.  I only have two or three evenings open for rehearsal and I'll bee gone for nearly an entire week in June.  So acting was off the table right?

I didn't go to the auditions but I got called and asked to meet with the director - so I contacted the director and explained that my schedule was a mess - he wanted to meet with me anyway.
We met - I had no audition prepared - the only monologues in my repertoire right now are all dramatic and not comedic.
He had me read for him - and after a short paragraph (it wasn't even a monologue) - he offered me one of the LEAD ROLES!

I've never done a lead role!
I had two small roles in Laramie and 5smaller roles in Cannibal (9 costume changes - LOL).
But here I am -
Cast in my first lead role - and terrified.
I'll NEVER get all these lines memorized - and- he tailored the rehearsal schedule around ME... WTF??

Lord Help Me!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Magic Man is revealed!

That's right!  You heard it here first.
The identity of the mysterious 'Magic Man' from ABC's fantastic new series 'Happy Town' has been revealed.
It's a shocker and one that no one saw coming.
The Magic Man is really.....
wait for it.....
wait for it....

DUN dun dun.....

70's Magician Doug Henning!

The missing people of Haplin have all fallen into Henning's Massive Hair/Mustache combo and become so entangled and lost - that they cannot find their way out.
Their only hope is that Tommy Conroy, Rootbeer, or some other Haplin resident can find a gigantic pair of hair clippers in time to save them all.

Secondary method would be to Dunk Henning in the Stiviletto's 'Thaw Fest' dunk tank and WASH the residents out - however this would take vast amounts of vigorous scalp massaging and gallons of shampoo. 

It should be noted that it may not be entirely possible to actually REACH Henning's scalp with normal sized fingers, and anyone attempting this maneuver should have a rope tied firmly to their waist and the other end tied to a solid object, in order to prevent themselves from being sucked into the hairy abyss themselves.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Four Power Campaign to save Happy Town

The #SaveHappyTown Flour Power Campaign now at $59.00! Awesome job guys! More info. here:

The Rumors that Happy Town has been cancelled are completely untrue - however the remaining five episodes have been preempted and will begin again on June 2nd.
PLEASE watch and support so that the show DOESN'T get canceled. 
The ratings have not been stellar - but at only 3 episodes in - the series deserves a chance!
If you love the show and want to support the campaigns to keep it on the air - read the article about the Flour Power Campaign and the other alternatives to support the show.

I just donated myself so the number should actually be $79.00!  Yay! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Town

If you haven't seen Happy Town , Now is the time to start watching!

This show looks great so far and has a very Lost/Twin Peaks type feel to it. With Lost ending - happy town might be a great way to fill that 'Lost' void. :)

It has a fantastic cast including
M.C. Gainey from 'Lost',
Steven Weber(Wings),
Sam Neill(Jurassic Park)
and of course
Amy Acker from Joss Whedon's 'Dollhouse'
Geoff Stults - from 7th Heaven and October Road.

Please watch
Happy Town so it doesn't get cancelled like 'Dollhouse' did. Thanks! :)

Here are the links to follow
happy town on Twitter and catch up on previous episodes on Hulu.